Wednesday, January 5, 2011

22 Week Ultrasound

The prenatal care here in Germany is a little different than it is in the States. The doctors do an ultrasound every visit and our doctor even does 3D ultrasounds routinely in the later part of the pregnancy. Our son is still skin and bones so I will post the 3D pictures when he fills in with some fat soon.

Here are two of the pictures from yesterday:

When I saw this, I said that from this angle his eye looks more like he belongs to the Simpson Family. Brian didn't think that was very nice of me. I bet my son will inherit my sense of humor so I am sure he can take this joke.

This is just a shot of his head facing this way. 

Everything is well with him, he is measuring just right for the due date and he still has plenty of room to move around. Brian and I both talked about how blessed we have been to this point. We will pray that things keep going this well.


Ryan,Erika,Kaylee and Khloe Pettersson said...

Uz teraz je to fesak :)

Petra said...

Dakujem moja:-)

Anonymous said...

Peti uz aby som aj ja take cakal. Jaj aky je krasny, ale musi ma prist navstivit alebo ja jeho :) nech tho trosku naucim dejepis ako som ucila jeho mamicku :)))